Here Comes the Sun ( 1993), perhaps the most science-fictional of Holt's fantasies, postulates an Alternate Cosmos in which constant intervention is required to keep the Sun lumbering on its daily course, using Steampunk-like Technology operating with the inefficiency of British industry and civil servants at their caricatured worst. Later examples, which beneath rapid-fire quips tend increasingly to convey despair at the human condition, sometimes verge on sf with notions like sending oneself by fax (see Matter Transmission).

He is best known for his numerous comic fantasies, beginning with the genially myth-based Expecting Someone Taller ( 1987) and Who's Afraid of Beowulf? ( 1988). (1961- ) UK author – a solicitor before he turned to full-time writing in 1995 – whose debut was the precocious "Poems by Tom Holt" (coll 1973 chap).