Friends too are eager to join the 97th New York Volunteers. In 1862, Jeremiah Wakefield, New York country boy, hears the Union’s call and the lure of an enlistment bonus that will finance a farm. "A gripping story, and McCabe's writing gives it considerable impact I Shall Be Near to You is a memorable addition to the literature of the Civil War.McCabe’s debut novel echoes with the Civil War battlefield’s ear-shattering noise and gut-wrenching smells, but its heart is a shining story of enduring love.

In her deceptively simple prose, McCabe has delivered an unforgettable, haunting and well-researched take on history that has a rightful place on bookshelves next to the most timeless and celebrated of sagas." - Free Lance-Star Following a pair of newlyweds, so brave and loving and committed, navigate the horrors of war is heart-wrenching. "A beautiful and powerful story that offers a rare perspective on those who fought in the Civil War. I Shall Be Near to You is both a poignant love story and a gritty war experience, and is highly recommended." - Historical Novels Review "McCabe has created a tough, realistic woman who is equally committed to being a good soldier and a good wife.

Using a female soldier's point of view for the narration makes McCabe's story refreshingly unique." - Romantic Times "This fascinating historical novel is beautifully written and emotionally charged. Rich with historical details and inspired by more than 250 documented accounts of the women who fought in the Civil War while disguised as men, I Shall Be Near To You is a courageous adventure, a woman's search for meaning and individuality, and a poignant story of enduring love.

Her strong will clashes with Jeremiah's, and their marriage is tested by broken conventions, constant danger, war, and the fear that Rosetta will be discovered. With the army desperate for recruits, Rosetta has no trouble volunteering, although she faces an incredulous husband. When Jeremiah leaves, Rosetta decides her true place is by his side, no matter what that means, and to be with him, she follows him into war. Rosetta doesn't want her new husband Jeremiah to enlist, but he joins up, hoping to make enough money that they'll be able to afford their own farm.

An extraordinary novel about a strong-willed woman who disguises herself as a man in order to fight beside her husband, inspired by the letters of a remarkable female soldier who fought in the Civil War.