Our goal is to learn agricultural practices that are environ mentally sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable. Key to this approach is to see a farm as an “agro - ecosystem”-a dynamic relationship of the min - eral, biological, weather and human resources involved in producing crops or livestock. Farmers and researchers are using cover crops to design new strategies that preserve a farm’s natural resources while remaining profitable.

Pest-fighting cover crop systems help minimize reliance on pesticides, and as a result cut costs, reduce your chemical expo sure, protect the environment, and increase con sumer confidence in the food you produce. With limited tillage and careful attention to cultivar choice, placement and timing, cover crops can reduce infestations by insects, diseases, nematodes and weeds. In addition to slowing erosion, improving soil structure and providing fertility, we are learn - ing how cover crops help farmers to manage pests (390). Cover crops are poised to play increasingly important roles on North American farms. MANAGING PESTS WITH COVER CROPS By Sharad C.